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The response object


avg_night - float​

This is the average price per night in the area.

avg_ocupy_rate - float​

This is the mean occupancy rate for major cities.

1year_income_avg_ocupy - float​

This is the short term rental projected income for the next year calculated based on avg_ocupy_rate.

1year_income_50_ocupy - float​

This is the short term rental projected income in the next year calculated based on a 50% occupancy rate.

1year_income_75_ocupy - float​

This is the shott term rental projected income in the next year calculated based on a 75% occupancy rate.

avg_month_rent - float​

This is the average monthly rent of traditional property in the area.

1year_income_traditional - float​

This is the traditional property`s projected income in the next year based on current average rent in the area.